Monday, June 1, 2009

The Sad Demise of Tiller the Abortionist

While on the way home from church yesterday, the Christian radio station interrupted programming to announce that infamous abortion doctor George Tiller had been shot dead outside the entry of his church. Before we could complete the 45 mile drive home, the political upheaval surrounding this regrettable event had already begun.

The initial news reports indicated that Tiller was killed "as he entered the church". By the time President Obama spoke of the act, it was described as having occured "inside" the church. Further excursions from fact now move the act into the very sanctuary. The church ambiguously states that the shooting occurred "as Dr. Tiller was preparing for the morning service." Whether done to for sensationalism or as a nuance that ignites greater moral outrage, such subtle reframing of facts is counterproductive to the national welfare.

America, we need some balance here! Most people who believe in the value of life share my beliefs that support of life means from conception to natural death. Yet, on many blog and news posts, all pro-life people were immediately lumped together with extremists under accusations that included "hate-speakers", "Pro-Life Extremists" or "Radicals" and even "Christian Terrorists". Accusations are flying, causing further polarization of both sides of this moral dilemma.

The time has long passed for finger-pointing, name calling, escalation, wrath and false accusations. At Notre Dame, President Obama spoke of pro-life and pro-abortion factions finding common ground to open dialogue. Although that goal seems unrealistic, given the dichotomy of ethical viewpoints involved, the president did present the right concept. Both sides need to dial down the divisive rhettoric, actively listen to opposition's concerns, and find the means within ourselves to heal this gaping wound in our national psyche.

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