Monday, August 24, 2009


I'll put some pictures up to illustrate this soon. Dennis and I have returned from ten days in Saint Louis, as the guests of beloved friends Gary and Gail Reinwald. We needed a time of refreshing to strengthen ourselves for the challenges of Dennis' final semester (as God wills) at Frontier School of the Bible. This summer, God provided an astounding network of support and love to see us through to completion.

The visit included a Cardinals night-game at Busch Stadium, complete with team jerseys, and hot dogs. The Cards won for my first big-league game! The highlight was three days of togetherness at Gail's family cabin at Lake of the Ozarks, spent fishing, dining, boating and mosquito-dodging. Back in St. Louis, we shared a day at Grant's Farm with Gail and her young grandson Malachi -- petting farms and animal shows are meaningless without witnessing the wonder through a child's eyes. Thank, Malachi! The older grandchildren, Isaiah and Aiyah, participated in a river fishing trip and an afternoon of girly-hairstyling. You decided which child did what activity. : D

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