Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Praying for Japan

I know this post subject is nothing new, because the whole world has been talking about Japan since Friday's 8.9 earthquake and the resulting Tsunami. Yet, I have a personal reason for praying for the people of Japan.

In 1952, my G.I. father was devestatingly wounded at the Chosin Reservoir Battle in North Korea. He was airlifted to Japan for triage, ultimately being relegated to a ward for the dying. While American medical doctors prepared for his imminent death with a steady morphine drip, Japanese nurses continued to care for him as if every day of life were a precious gift. I am convinced that, without the kindnesses of those Japanese nurses, my father would have died of his wounds at age 19 -- and I would not been born to write this blog, nor pray for the extended families of those Japanese nurses of 1952.

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