Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Superhero Syndrome

What do I have in common with President Obama? Maybe a superhero complex!
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All fun aside, I found important personal insight in this video. When I make to-do lists, everything seems to be A-1 priority. After a frustrating trying to do it all day, I fall into bed exhausted, worrying about tomorrow's list... and the day after that. I cannot imagine the burdens our leadership bear!

On days when I make time alone for prayer and meditation, my tasks seem less daunting, because my priorities become God's. Many Christian leaders have expressed the thought, "I am too busy not to pray!"

So when I pray, I try to remember to pray for our leaders from the president down to the local school board. Their burdens are far more important than my everyday trials; the consequences of their decisions will impact us for generations to come. And, none of them have superpowers, either.

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