Friday, June 10, 2009 became a memorable day in Lagrange, Wyoming history. A day filled with thunderstorms and enormous hail culminated in a well-documented tornado that touched down approximately 10 miles from our village center.
Because of all the GREAT stormchaser coverage, tiny Lagrange has been discovered:
Where was I when all of this happened? Making my first solo roadtrip from Casper to Lagrange in my old-new mini SUV. Blinding rain had slowed my progress to a crawl. Finally huddled for what little shelter a rest stop in Guernsey, Wyoming provided, I rested in my 1987 Mitsubishi Montero. The radio reported nothing but crashes of static, little comfort on a storm-blackened night. Enduring the roar of quarter-sized hail pounding my windshield, I cried "Jesus, help me!"
A Scott Krippayne song says "Sometimes He calms the storm, and sometimes He calms His child." ( Suddenly, my fears stilled. Nothing had changed on the outside, but I knew that it was all going to be okay. When the hail subsided, I began the cautious drive home in still-torrential rain. The clerk at the Torrington Maverik informed me that I had driven through a tornado in Lingle. I knew nothing about the drama in Lagrange until the following day.
Weather commentators have repeatedly stated amazement that there was no lasting damage from such a widespread storm and so many tornados. Perhaps the answer is found in a rectangular sign passed on the highway in one of the tornado chasers' videos. It reads "Frontier School of the Bible". Lagrange has no covenant of protection for its high percentage of faithful residents, but God preserved us from THIS storm to continue to serve for His purposes.
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